Our Events

Throughout the year, the Ruby Valley Conservation District organizes and hosts a wide variety of educational events. These events usually involve inviting professionals in conservation, ranching, farming, watersheds, etc. to give lectures to interested parties.

Reach out to us at info@rvcd.org or (406) 842-5741 x 104 if you would be interested in sponsoring one of our upcoming events

Keep an eye on our social media, website and monthly newsletter to stay updated on what we have planned!

Rancher Roundtable Speaker Series

Winter Speaker Series

The Rancher Roundtable Speaker Series is an annual series that takes place in the winter months. Each event in the series invites a different guest speaker to come in to talk about a topic that is pertinent to ranchers, farmers, gardeners, and other local landowners.

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RVCD Annual Banquet

Our Celebratory Banquet

Every year, we host a banquet at the Round Barn to celebrate all the important conservation being accomplished in the valley! This banquet always takes place in late April, and includes a fun night of dinner, music and dancing.

Tickets can be bought by emailing info@rvcd.org or calling (406) 842-5741 x 104.

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Wildlife Speaker Series

Sheridan's Wildlife Speaker Event

The RVCD hosts one of the several Wildlife Speaker Series events that take place each summer throughout southwest Montana. This event is usually hosted at Jackson’s Garden, where dinner is provided and a local speaker gives a lecture on one of our local wildlife species.      Learn More

Kids River Resource Day

Kids River Resource Day

Every September, we invite students from all of our local elementary schools to visit a local ranch, where they engage with a variety of interactive activities designed to educate them about the importance of rivers, water as a natural resource, and other organisms that rely on our rivers.

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